Thunder at Twilight Page 32
Churchill on note’s reception in London: Churchill, p. 204.
Churchill’s order to fleet: Thomson, p. 91.
Poincaré hurries home: Albertini, vol. 2, pp. 590-91.
Russian Pre-Mobilization: Albertini, vol. 2, pp. 304-5.
Conrad needs two weeks to strike: Conrad, vol. 4, p. 40; Crankshaw, p. 398.
Berchtold on war declaration as not really war: Albertini, vol. 2, pp. 388, 457-58.
War declaration by cable: Albertini, vol. 2, p. 461.
Austrian mobilization posters: Auersperg, p. 153.
Austrian restraint: Albertini, vol. 2, p. 427.
Gallantry vis-á-vis Serbian Chief of Staff: Corti, p. 418; AZ, July 26-27, 1914.
Yachting Kaiser kept uninformed: Albertini, vol. 2, p. 439.
“Situation . . . not entirely clear”: Albertini, vol. 2, p. 433.
Kaiser hastens home: Balfour, p. 348; AZ, July 27, 1914.
Kaiser blusters: Albertini, vol. 2, p. 434.
Delay of transmission of Austrian note text to Kaiser: Albertini, vol. 2, pp. 440-41; Thomson, p. 101.
“Brilliant achievement”: Albertini, vol. 2, p. 467.
Kaiser-Bethmann scene: Albertini, vol. 2, p. 437.
Bulow quote: Albertini, vol. 2, p. 436.
Bethmann to German Ambassador in Vienna: Ludwig, p. 223; Thomson, p. 119.
The Kaiser’s Libretto C: Albertini, vol. 2, pp. 467-68.
Franz Joseph and his Minister of War: Corti, p. 421.
Franz Joseph and Frau Schratt: Haslip, p. 267.
Tsar’s “I shall be overwhelmed”: Edmond Taylor, p. 220.
Frenzied international cabling between governments: NFP and AZ, July 1914 issues; Albertini, vol. 2, pp. 390-651 passim.
CHAPTER 34 (pages 317-336)
International pro-war demonstrations: NFP, Times, July 1914 passim.
British Embassy windows broken: Dugdale, pp. 304-5.
Kraus to Sidonie: Kraus, vol. 1, p. 60.
Fackel quote: Fackel, July 10, 1914.
Zadruga’s destruction: Dedijer, Sarajevo, p. 185.
Mussolini detail: Fermi, pp. 8-9.
Stalin detail: Levine, p. 4.
Pathology of industrialization: AZ, Feb. 2, 1913.
Russian rebellion changes to patriotism: Ludwig, p. 373; Trotsky, p. 233.
Austrian masses patriotic: Trotsky, pp. 233-34.
Paris proletariat turns pro-war: Fremd., Aug. 2, 1914.
“Eine Sehnsucht” poem: Cormons, p. 167.
Rupert Brooke quote: Timms, p. 287.
“Foul peace . . . drags on”: Gina Conrad, p. 31.
“Crisis .. . entered Western culture”: Cormons, p. 167.
Hitler on war: Fest, p. 64.
Bethmann on war: Timms, p. 279.
Czernin on war: Czernin, p. 5.
Poincaré on war: Ludwig, p. 112.
Freud on Jung: Freud, Freud-Salomé, Freud letter, Nov. 6, 1913.
Jaurès assassination: Thomson, pp. 148-49.
French reservists: Thomson, p. 155.
Lenin arrested: Österreichische Öst.hefte, May 1970.
Viktor Adler helps Trotsky as well as Lenin: Trotsky, pp. 235-36.
Arbeiter Zeitung pro-war: AZ, Aug. 4, 1914; Ludwig, p. 324.
Nicky-Willy cables: Albertini, vol. 2, pp. 542, 554, 555, 557, 560, 574; Albertini, vol. 3, p. 180.
Germany declares war on Russia: Albertini, vol. 3, p. 182.
Kaiser asks crowd to quiet down: AZ, Aug. 4, 1914.
“You will live to regret it”: Edmond Taylor, p. 228.
Kaiser on British uniform: Dugdale, p. 305.
Moltke cables Conrad: Albertini, vol. 2, p. 673.
“Who rules in Berlin?” Albertini, vol. 2, p. 674.
Conrad controls Berchtold cables: Hantsch, p. 642.
“Smash my telephone”: Albertini, vol. 2, p. 572.
Viviani at Jaures funeral: Thomson, p. 193.
Poincaré’s manipulations: Albertini, vol. 2, pp. 616-19.
“Russians in Berlin by All Saints’ Day”: Thomson, p. 175.
Churchill letter: Manchester, pp. 968-69.
Churchill mobilizes fleet: Thomson, p. 161.
“. . . lamps are going out . . .”: Edmond Taylor, p. 229.
“Josef K.”: in Kafka’s journal: Hayman, p. 183.
Wittgenstein notebook: Shanker, p. 9.
Tsar bursts into tears: Albertini, vol. 3, p. 174.
Kaiser on balcony: Thomson, p. 196; Edmond Taylor, p. 228.
Hitler on war: Hitler, p. 161.
Freud critical of Vienna: Clark, p. 39.
Freud pro-war: Clark, p. 376; Jones, vol. 2, p. 171.
Wittgenstein enlists: Shanker, pp. 8, 9.
Schönberg pro-war: Spiel, pp. 198-99.
Kokoschka’s change from outsider to patriot: Whitford, pp. 69, 99-100.
Rilke “attached only by language” to Germany: Leppmann, p. 299.
Rilke’s war poems: Leppmann, pp. 296-97’.
Herman Hesse pro-war: Eksteins, p. 94.
Thomas Mann pro-war: Tuchman, Guns, p. 311.
Freud on war as opportunity for progress: Major Works, p. 756.
Nietzsche on progress as ascent: Nietzsche, p. 552.
Franz Joseph edits Manifesto: Hantsch, p. 618.
Franz Joseph on going under: Corti, p. 431.
Karl Kraus on proclamation: Fackel no. 404, Dec. 1914, p. 3.
Franz Joseph removes Tsar’s decoration: Corti, pp. 430-31.
Franz Joseph changes will: Jaszi, p. 13.
British ambassador declares war: Dugdale, p. 304.
British ambassador and wife loved Vienna: Albertini, vol. 3, p. 534; Dugdale, p. 281.
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On the Archduke Franz Ferdinand
Brook-Shepherd, Gordon. Archduke of Sarajevo—The Romance and Tragedy of Franz Ferdinand of Austria. Boston, Toronto: Little, Brown and Co., 1984.
Eisenmenger, Victor. Erzherzog Franz Ferdinand—Seinem Andenken Gewidmet von Seinem Leibarzt. Zurich, Leipzig, Vienna, 1930.
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Kann, Robert A. Erzherzog Franz Ferdinand Studien. Vienna: Verlag fur Geschichte an Politik, 1976.
Kiszling, Rudolph. Erherzog Franz Ferdinand von Österreich. Graz, Cologne: Hermann Bohlaus Nachf., 1953.
On Emperor Franz Joseph
Briefe: Kaiser Franz Josephs an Frau Katherina Schratt. Vienna, Munich, 1964.
Corti, Egon Caesar Conte, and Hans Sokol. Der Alte Kaiser, Franz Joseph I. Graz, Vienna, Cologne: Verlag Styria, 1955.
Haslip, Joan. The Emperor and His Actress. New York: Dial Press, 1982.
On Freud
Bakan, David, Sigmund Freud and the Jewish Mystical Tradition. New York: Schocken, 1965.
Clark, Ronald W. Freud: The Man and the Cause. New York: Random House, 1980.
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Freud, Sigmund, and Lou Andreas-Salome. Sigmund Freud and Lou Andreas-Salomé’: Letters. Edited by Ernst Pfeiffer. New York: W. W. Norton, 1985.
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———. The Life and Work of Sigmund Freud. Abridged Edition Edited by Lionel Trilling and Steven Marcus. New York: Basic Books, 1961.
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On Hitler
Bullock, Alan. Hitler: A Study in Tyranny. Revised Edition. New York: Harper and Row, 1964.
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Jones, J. Sydney. Hitler in Vienna 1907-1913. New York: Stein and Day, 1983.
Kubizek, August. The Young Hitler I Knew: The Story of Our Friendship. London: A. Wingate, 1950.
Maser, Werner. Hitlers Briefe und Notizen. Dusseldorf, Vienna: 1973.
On Lenin
Lenin: A Biography. Moscow: Progress Publishers, 1983.
Possony, Stefan T. Lenin: The Compulsive Revolutionary. Chicago: Henry Regnery, 1963.
Shub, David. Lenin. New York: Mentor, 1948.
On Stalin
Delbars, Yves.The Real Stalin. London: George Allen & Unwin Ltd., 1953.
Deutscher, Isaac. Stalin: A Political Biography. New York: Oxford Univ. Press, 1949.
Fischer, Louis. The Life and Death of Stalin. New York: Harper Brothers, 1952.
Hingley, Ronald. Joseph Stalin: Man and Legend. New York: McGraw-Hill, 1974.
Levine, Isaac Don. Stalin. New York: Cornwall Press, 1931.
Lyons, Eugene. Stalin: Czar of All the Russias. Philadelphia: J. B. Lippincott, 1940.
MacNeal, Robert H. “Trotsky’s Interpretation of Stalin.” In Rigby, T. H., ed. Stalin. Englewood Cliffs, N.J.: Prentice-Hall, 1966.
Murphy, J. T. Stalin. London: 1945.
Smith, Edward Ellis. The Young Stalin. New York: Farrar, Straus and Giroux, 1967.
Souvanine, Boris. Stalin: A Critical Study of Bolshevism. New York: Longmans, Green and Co., 1939.